Tuesday 2 July 2013

seeing red

If you're confused over the next few blog posts, this happened. I dyed my hair red, simply because I could. *shrugs*

I went to a fancier salon with my boyfriend to get our hair done rather than the one I've been on since I was 14, so sadly, my new hair dresser botched my bangs. But that's okay because he gave me amazing red hair so all is forgiven.

Anyway! The boyfriend took me to the Singapore Flyer in what was supposed to be my exciting (some would say romantic; I say a bloody horrific idea of romantic) first time but it quickly spiraled into me having a terrible mental breakdown and almost crying in the middle of the capsule much to his dismay.

I was excited, really I was. The Singapore Flyer is so cool from below and I absolutely love looking at night lights, so it really seemed like it would be a great idea. 


Don't get me wrong, I love the ferris wheel. But I love it because it's small, enclosed and I can decide who I want to go in with me so I can yell at them to sit quietly and still. My boyfriend knows I'm afraid of heights and he insisted that he'll be there so I would't be scared. Naturally, he enjoys the damsel in distress... and I'm just a mess so I agree to anything really.

The flyer was horrible for so many reasons:
  • The capsule is huge and can accommodate a hell lot of people that I don't know.
This scares the balls off me. I can't control the amount of people, I can't control the children running around, I can't control the uncles standing at the edge of the door with their faces plastered on the glass. I can't tell them what to do because I don't know them and also because the capsule is some kind of observatory where people can observe. That's the point. But it's scary because anything can happen.

What if a kid runs into the glass? What if it breaks apart? What if it tilts over? SO MANY QUESTIONS NONE OF WHICH CAN BE ANSWERED.
  • My boyfriend insists on me standing on the edge of the glass because he's "holding" me
I hate this. I hate standing at the edge of anything. I can't even look down the edge of a railing at a shopping mall because it's scary and I do it with much careful grace and judgement so that I know my glasses won't fall off my face. I am generally a paranoid 21 year old. You get it. I think.

So no I did not enjoy being held and pushed to look outside because at this very moment the outside looks a lot like my death.
  • Glass. Everywhere.
Nothing I hate more than glass everywhere. It is scary, it is not normal, I DON'T LIKE IT.
  • It goes really slow
Ok, that's the idea right? Even with the ferris wheel, it goes slowly because you want to spend time with whoever it is inside and you want to ooh and ahhh at the clouds or some romantic thing like that. NO. I couldn't get a seat. And I'm under the assumption that seating is uncool. You know what, fuck that theory. If anyone who is scared shitless wants to go up on the flyer, DO THAT. Sit your scared ass down. Enjoy the view from a distance. It's whatever ok, fuck the status quo!


Scariest thing I've ever been on

I don't know if I took this or if this was when my paranoia kicked in and I almost mauled my boyfriend with my ipad going "TAKE A PHOTO FOR ME BUT DON'T LET GO OF ME"

The view was breathtaking from above. Of course needless to say, I wish I could have enjoyed this without wanting to shit my pants.

"I'm taking this picture... for journalistic purposes"

That was all the photos I took. My boyfriend took pictures of me looking petrified so I'm not even going to post that. Maybe I'll photoshop myself into a picture of the flyer or something like that ok?

The ride ended shortly after this, in which I asked my boyfriend "I was kinda brave huh?" I think he pitied me cos he said yes and just hugged me for good measure. 

I'm sure he's glad we got in for free wtf

We went for a walk along Marina Bay Sands boardwalk after that :) It was kind of a horrible night lol but I can look back and just laugh at everything now. I'm glad that my first time up in the flyer was with my boyfriend, no matter how irresponsible that was... I could have collapsed in fear wtf

Who says you can't take artistic photos on your ipad? ;)


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