Sunday 9 June 2013

new experience

Not too long ago, I remember shaking my sleepy boyfriend awake after seeing the Arsenal banners being put up all along Orchard Road. All I remember from that vague conversation was "they're under 15" and my adamant pleas of "So? Take me!"

And so we spiraled into a long conversation about his plans for his video journalism class. So a few days ago, I got a text from him saying one of his friends bought the tickets for us. Needless to say I went by the next couple of hours in glee.

Picked the boyfriend up from campus to have lunch at KFC then headed to Bugis to watch The Hangover 3. I was kinda lost mostly cause I didn't watch Hangover 2. The movie was kinda meh anyway :( 

And then........ 


I looked mostly like "the unwilling girlfriend" who looks like she knows absolutely nothing but I'm really not (and probably smarter than I look). We sat around a couple of really colourful people and I must say it wasn't too pleasant of a first experience. I am appalled by children who look about 12 or so spewing vulgarities in front of adults and amongst themselves. On top of that, they were being a complete nuisance and proved to be a pain in my ass while fighting among themselves and just being noisy. 

I guess at things like this you are bound to meet a bunch people like this and for the most part, it does affect my experience. It got really annoying during the first match, so much that I switched places with my boyfriend because I fear for their lives that I may just smack them all in the head with those balloon clapper things (what the hell are they called?).

After what seemed like a torturous 90 minutes during the first game (and an even more torturous half time....) MY highlight game happened.

That is all the pictures I took because A. I was busy concentrating (and told my boyfriend to keep quiet and stop talking to me ... oops! Sorry!) B. Original DSLR lens... THIS IS AS ZOOMED AS I CAN GET :(

I don't know how people blog about sports events. I'm probably not going to do any of it justice and y'all are gonna laugh at my attempt. So I'm just gonna say that I had a really good time and it was a really good game and I left feeling COMPLETELY conflicted.

I spent most of my teenage days watching football on my own and following Cesc Fabregas around like his puppy. And I spent most of my teenage days being completely dramatic whenever they lose and as time goes by.... it stops affecting you and you just accept that fourth place is as good as any other. They're cute. It's cute. My feelings are cute.


(Using the picture of your eyes closed because I look prettier in this one and it's my blog so it's okay)

"Take my side profile!"

I should stop being lazy and bring my dslr out more.


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