Wednesday 21 August 2013

universal studios singapore

Hi there.

Time goes by incredibly fast when you're having fun (or in love) and yesterday, the boyfriend and I celebrated our first anniversary together. Exactly one year ago yesterday, he sheepishly asked me to be his girlfriend. A year ago, he too, bought me a strawberry perfume out of nowhere before he even asked me to be his girlfriend. It was odd, but the memory of it will never fail to put a smile on my face. 

A year is a long time, and the feeling is still much like it was 365 days ago. In fact, in this past year, I've learnt what it's like to love, be loved and the sacrifices you make for the person you love. It's been a blessing, oh what a ride it's been. I'm still very much into you.

To celebrate, the boyfriend took me to Universal Studios Singapore! It was ridiculously exciting; I'm possibly the most kiasu "tourist" - I brought 3 different types of cameras (and ipad) just in case. I don't know why. Don't ask me why. Just don't.


The whole of USS, if you've never been (HA, I can say I'm been now!) is separated into 6 different themes/worlds: Hollywood, Sci-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, The Lost World, Far Far Away and Madagascar. Hollywood was very... Hollywood. It was very reminiscent of classic Hollywood (although the picture doesn't show that la - later you see, ok?)

Churro craving satisfied! That was some good churro.

Headed to Lights, Camera, Action first to check out the hurricane simulation. It was hosted by Steven Spielberg so that was pretty cool! He did the introduction part and everything before we headed into the main stage to check out the hurricane. IT WAS AWESOME. The whole set up of the hurricane was just class. It got me wayyyyy too excited for my own good.

Our first proper ride was a kiddy ride. Let me explain, at the time the waiting time was 5 minutes and Transformers was 50 minutes or something so we went to this first. It was kiddish, cute AND I LOVED IT. I'm pretty sure the any moh couple in front of me was judging me. But I don't care ok.

Saw Cookie Monster randomly while walking past Big Bird's Emporium. Didn't bother queuing up for a photo cos.... I didn't want to pay for it. Ha ha ha ha. #touristtrap

We headed to the Sci-Fi City after Space Chase to ride Transformers and Accelerator! Transformers was ridiculously awesome. It was fast and sort of scary (I wasn't expecting it to be so fast wtf) but it was exhilarating! Accelerator was just a cooler version of the teacups hahahhahahaha. Nothing particularly special, unless you're me and you enjoy rides for 5 year olds.

Quickly moved on to Ancient Egypt to take the Mummy ride. 

I've never been on a roller coaster. In my life. Never. And I'm terribly scared of heights and I have this crazy idea that I may potentially die on a roller coaster. But cos it's our anniversary, I decided to step up and be brave. I thought that having him next to me would make it easier. 

... it wasn't.

I ended up crying a good majority of the ride after free falling backwards and it scared me to DEATH. I was so frightened and shocked that I couldn't stop crying and kept yelling for my mum. Then I screamed for real as I sobbed pitifully on my boyfriend's shoulder. He laughed at me, and I realized I was the only one sobbing but it's alright. I conquered my first ever roller coaster (albeit in tears) but I thought I was quite brave for even trying. Gold star for me!

If anyone tries to sell you the idea that the Mummy ride is "kind of like Transformers" you can tell them to go shove it up their ass because it's not and it's horrible and frightening :( (Yes, my boyfriend said that to calm me down. Why.) I have no regrets, although Mummy kinda broke me and my body feels like it was run over 10 times. So much that I found a bench nearby and just laid there. 

Also, how are people not completely horrified by this mummy telling me that he's going to eat my soul and that I will die in the darkness! That's everything I wish will never happen to me oh my god I'm trembling now I will stop

We went to The Lost World to try the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure, which essentially was a boat-water ride. It was okay, I didn't get wet (even without a poncho) cos I wasn't at the receiving end of the impact so the ride ended quite meh for me. It was fun but I didn't get wet so I'm quite sad about that.

Didn't take any pictures cos we put our stuff in the locker and I was too tired to retrace my steps back to snap a picture. It wasn't particularly beautiful, so you're not missing out.

Went to Far Far Away to catch Shrek 4D!

ootd: crop top from topshop, jeans from forever 21, bag from city plaza (gifted from my boyfriend), shoes from hush puppies, casio baby-g watch (also gifted from my boyfriend), sunnies from korea

 Incredibly obsessed with Far Far Away. 

Contemplated taking the Enchanted Airways but decided against it cos Mummy broke me and I don't think I can handle another roller coaster, even if it says "junior roller coaster".

Took a break to eat at Oasis Spice Cafe, located at Ancient Egypt. 
It was pretty good, om nom nom.

The interior was quite pretty too.

Circled back to take our last ride at Madagascar. The crate adventure ride was pretty mild. Good for families, really. But I guess we kind of count cos I'm a child. (Although at this point of time we kind of look more like an old married couple with joint pains wtf)

Took a nice walk around and I bought my baby sis a Madagascar penguin, while my boyfriend got me a Gingerbread pillow from Far Far Away :) (Lying on it as I type this). We circled around to look at the stores and take pictures.

The surfer dudes were so cool. Lucky to have caught them!

Also caught Sesame Street!!!!!! I have 29348093243194813 pictures of them omfg but here's two so them being super cute!

Saw this while going on our walk and completely fell in love. 

Caught both the water show at Water World and Monster Rock at Hollywood. Such love.

Ended the day with a trip to the celebrity cafe and bakery

Boyfriend took me to Kate Spade to pick out a wallet for our anniversary. He didn't have to, really, but he did. He said the sweetest thing to me when he gave it to me, saying that it was what his mum told him when I bought him a Fossil wallet for his birthday. :)

I am incredibly touched by the gesture. We were together when we had nothing, and the transition to this is so weird. I'm so thankful for the gift. I am incredibly blessed. I'm not thankful or blessed because he bought me something expensive. But he gave me the most priceless gift I could have receive: his love. And because he persistently stuck by me, accepted me for my awkward, selfish and lazy self. For accepting all my flaws and only sees the good in me. That in which I am grateful, thankful and ever blessed for the love he gives me.

I am touched by his warmth and everything he has given me, beyond the physical material things.

Happy anniversary. I love you.